regardless of 和despite of的区别

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 05:37:34
regardless of 和despite of都有不管,不顾的意思,

两者搭上of后都是介系词, 使用方式没有区别. 都是介系词 + n.

1. Regardless - 不管A或B, 我都会做我要做的事.
I will watch the big bang thory regardless of having dinner ot not.
不管我有没有吃晚餐, 我都会看生活大爆炸. 感觉多用于未来式.

2. Despite - 尽管, 就算是. 就算是事情已经发生了, 我还是会做.
Despite of having a empty stomach, I watch the big bang theory.
尽管我肚子饿, 我还是看生活大爆炸. 感觉多用于现在式或过去式.

dispite就是 某件事情(一般只某些事实)无所谓
regardless是说 不管怎样都无所谓

Regardless of the weather next week, we are going to the beach.
Regardless of whether it rains, there will be plenty we can do for fun.

We had a good time at the beach despite the rain.
Despite having only a few hours of sunshine, everybody was in good spirits.

regardless of和despite都是介词, 也就是后面只能跟名词或者具有名词性质的成分,

regardless of: 不管



I play soccer every day, regardless of weather. (我每天都踢球,不管天气如何. NB: 天气可能是好天气,和不好的天气)

I am gonna play soccer this aft