求《A New Zealand Adventure》全文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 06:57:22
求“企鹅英语简易读物精选”中的《A New Zealand Adventure》全文(英文的)!

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My name is Maurice Manuwatu, and I am from here, Kaikoura. It's an amazing place and historically Maori have been here for over 800 years. Matakoura was a god that had this magical sword. And he carved the mountains, he shaped the peninsula around here. He created all the beauty. He also carved the underwater trenches and canyons that we have around here, which is like an underwater highway, and it is a feeding ground, ur, for all the whales, so, and as a result of that, whale watch started.

Very deep ocean canyons that come very, very close to shore. We have these colliding currents, these warm currents coming down from the equator, cold currents coming up from the Antarctic. And so it's a combination of the geographic makeup, the richness of nutrients from the water, and deep canyons very close to shore. That makes this place a really special place in the world for marine mammals. You know, whale watch started 14, 15 years ago.