
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 04:12:43

1. method
2. means
3. way
Relative explainations:
<modus> <manner> <medium ( mediums or media)> <quomodo> <process> <plan> <stepping-stone> <ways> <road> <ways and means> <road to> <avoidance approach> <demagogy> <methods> <type of cost systems> <technique>

1. 请另外找一个运输方法。
Please find alternative means of transport.
2. 采用这种新方法无须再用手工检验产品。
This new process has eliminated the need for checking the products by hand.
3. 只有用这种方法才能劝得动他。
Only by this means is it possible to persuade him.
4. 金融家告诉我们不要再用那种方法做业务。
The financier told us not to do business in that way.
5. 和面的方法很简单,只要把水和在面粉里就行了。
The way to make dough is very simple as you need only to mix flour with water.
6. 他们的观点同我们看问题的方法格格不入。
Their ideas are quite alien to our ways of thinking.
7. 什么是解决这个问题的最好方法?