Should learner aim to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 01:04:19
作文题目 帮找个范文

I think it is important to aim for native-speaker pronunciation. First of all, I think perfection is always a good goal in any aspect of language-learning. We aim for perfect grammar, so why not perfect pronunciation?

Second, the purpose of learning a language is to communicate with native-speakers or people from other parts of the world. The better my pronunciation is, the more easily they will be able to understand me. And I want people to understand me without any difficulty.

Third, English is now an international language and I would like to be part of that community. If my pronunciation is like a native-speaker's, I will blend into the community more naturally. I'll feel pleased if I am taken for a native-speaker. Even if I can't speak so well, I don't like to spoil the language by terrible pronunciation.

So learners should aim to speak English with a native-speaker pronunciation