
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 00:06:51



先有大篆后有小篆公元前二二一年秦始皇统一中国,废除六国异体由丞相李斯整理,简化 统一字体,后人称之为"小篆",字体略长而整齐笔划圆匀秀美.

隶书去繁就简,字形变圆为方,笔划改 曲为直,更便于书写.到汉代这种书体开始盛于起来,成为主要 书体.隶书结体扁 平、工整、精巧.

楷书从隶书逐渐演变而来,更趋简化,字形由扁改 方,笔划中简省了汉隶的波势,是因 为此书法可以作为"楷模"通行的书体,一直沿用至今.

行书是楷书的快写,相传始于汉未,它不及楷书的工整,也没有草书的 草案.行书中带有楷书或接近于楷书



About Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

Calligraphy is the flexible movement of a brush tinged with black ink on the white paper with the formation of black-and-white compositions with different degrees of contrast. Therefore, calligraphy is an art of compostion.

China has a long history of calligraphy which generally can be categorized into Zhuanshu (Dazhuan, Xiao Zhuan), Lishu, regular script, Xing Shu, cursive (chapter, this grass), and other five.

(1) Zhuanshu:
Dazhuan was developed after Xiaozhuan.After Qing Shi Huang unified China in 211BC, he ordered the Prime Minister Lis Si to abolish the various writing styles of the six countries to create a systematic and simplified system of writing, later known as the "Xiao Zhuan".The characters are long and round.

(2) Lishu:
Lishu firther simplified the characters from round to rectangle and from cursive to straight.It gained popularity in the Han Dynasty to become th