谁英语好的 帮忙啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/21 01:31:58
考试题目是 学生是否应该学习英语 字数120字
谁能帮帮我。 why do students learn english ? 谢谢 如果能帮忙我会追加分的

English, since the onset of European colonialism has been introduced to many countries and those very same nations after independence continues to utilized it and thus English has become an important international language. Many countries around the world require or at lease offer its students an English class. But why do students want or need to learn English? what is important about this language that compels so many to learn it?
Different students learn English for different reasons. many student learn the English language because they need to read English text books and attend lectures in English, while few students(comparatively) actually talk to English-speaking visitors, many do attend seminars, write letters and reports. still other eventual will work on the international stage, whether as an representative of a corporation or other such areas, knowing the English language will surely be necessary or at least vastly improve their chances at obtaining the job.