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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:09:41

Ancient China was a feudal class is full of contradictions and confrontation between countries, the development of the times all of its traditional things have gradually evolved into the shape of multi-geometry, and more simple. And always remain unchanged is the traditional courtyard of a water tank, in fact, and some at home, and some are in my heart ...

The cultural garden

Ancient China was a feudal class is full of contradictions and confrontations, the development of the times to all the traditional things gradually evolved into a multi-geometric-shape, and more simple. And always is the same courtyards of the traditional water tanks, in fact, , Each Chinese person has a cylinder, and some at home, and some are in their hearts.

Ancient China was a feudal class is full of contradictions and confrontation between countries, the development of the times all of its traditional things have gradually evolved into the shape of multi-geometry, and more simple. An