
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 10:03:36
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200字 英语考试作文啊~~谢谢各位了

Saying thank you is easy. Sometimes we say it from the bottom of our hearts to express our sincere gratefulness for what others have done for us. Sometimes we say it just because we are considerate enough that we like others to know that their work is appreciated. In any case, “thank you” does not hurt the speaker, but it does benefit the listener. On the other hand, not expressing this does not benefit anyone, but will hurt those who are hoping to be recognized.

However, in our society today, we are so busy that we don’t even have to time to say these two simple words. We have forgotten about gratefulness, and we learned that whatever people do to us is for their own profit. We have forgotten to care about others’ feeling, we are so self-centered in our minds. This is sad, the lack of sincerity this society has created, and also the weakened bonds with people surrounding us.

Any society needs something that can hold people together, and this has to b