求中译英一封回信 请不要使用翻译机!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 09:01:09
我上一封信已经说了 我喜欢韩国的明星Myeong-min Kim 很喜欢他演大叔的感觉

原来你喜欢周杰伦呀,周杰伦在中国的人气也很火爆 特别是90年以后出生的年轻人特别喜欢他 但是我似乎不太喜欢他的歌曲 因为有很多快歌很难听懂

我喜欢韩国歌手:XXXX 他的歌柔情又很欢快 你可以听听看

韩流前两年的确在中国发展迅猛,但这两年有所衰退。我想原因可能是韩国政府将中国文化 恶意申报成韩国的文化遗产

奥运会期间,由于韩国SBS电视台未经中方允许 擅自进入奥运会开幕式彩排场地拍摄 导致开幕式资料的外泄 这激起了很多中国人的愤怒,我觉的也就是韩国游客在奥运会不受中国欢迎的原因。

我很喜欢中韩两国能够共同发展,但是这种发展 需要建立在两国互相尊重 互相了解的基础上 这样两国的经贸往来才能日新月异……

呵呵 说了这么多 我觉的我都快成政治家了,赶快换个话题吧……

As I have mentioned earlier in the previous letter, my favorite Korean celebrity is Myeong-min Kim. I really like the way he acted as a middle-aged man in his shows.

So you like Jay Chou! Well, he is also very popular in China, especially with the teenagers born in the 1990's. But I do not really like his songs because I can hardly understand what is he singing in his fast songs.

My favorite Singer is XXXX, he sings in a light, delightful and subtle way. You might want to try and listen to his music.

Korean culture has been spreading fast in China these few years but has seen a receding trend in the previous two previous. I think it might have something to do with the Korean government deliberately declaring China cultural monuments as Korea's.

During the 2008 Olympics, the incident whereby the SBS TV station trespassed the Olympic rehearsals and shot without permission, causing confidential information to be leaked, caused disside