
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 12:11:20
KANYE,LUPE和PHARRELL的 US Placers,有没哪位强人能帮忙翻下呢~谢~俚语太多比较变态~~
Yeah, Just a lil bit (just a lil bit) And it goes
Lifestyles of the rich and famous
Bought a big house and a whole lot of rangers
A fresh new couch and a whole lot of trainers
A closet full of clothes and some brand new dangers
Some Mexican floral arrangers
A great big TV that’ll entertain us
Some colorful commissions for some high paid painters
Someone to take the wrap so that I stay stainless
A new relationship with a banker
Two pinky rings for my manicured fingers
A trained German Shepherd that bark when it’s angered
To watch my possessions and look out for strangers
A 50 foot yacht with an anchor
Young supermodel that shall remain nameless
Ups and the downs, the sames and the changes
All the money in the world don’t make it painless (no)
(But they love it and they love it)
The more you try to erase me

Yeah, Just a lil bit (just a lil bit) And it goes 我只要一点点就足够了
Lifestyles of the rich and famous 有钱名人的生活
Bought a big house and a whole lot of rangers 大幢的屋子和整队的巡逻兵
A fresh new couch and a whole lot of trainers 时兴的沙发以及大把的教练
A closet full of clothes and some brand new dangers 满橱的衣服还有未知的风险
And 还有
Some Mexican floral arrangers 那些墨西哥风格的花饰布置
A great big TV that’ll entertain us 超大电视机将供我们娱乐
Some colorful commissions for some high paid painters 向昂贵的画家定作的华美的艺术品
Someone to take the wrap so that I stay stainless 别人背黑锅而我仍旧纯洁
And 以及
A new relationship with a banker 和银行家的微妙关系
Two pinky rings for my manicured fingers 戴在我修过甲的手指上那两枚粉色指环
A trained German Shepherd that bark when it’s angered 一只愤怒时叫个不停的驯养德国牧羊犬
To watch my possessions and look out for strangers 来守护我的财产,防范陌生的人