
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:27:25
Root measurements

Root distribution was estimated at blooming (82 and 75 DAP, for 1997 and 1998 respectively) and harvest (114 and 104 DAP, for 1997 and 1998, respectively) using 1.5 m long minirhizotrons with 5.2 cm diameter. One tube per treatment was installed, parallel to and distant 10 cm from the plant row, between two plants, at an angle of 30 ◦ to the vertical. At 10 cm increments along the tube, roots intersecting the minirhizotron wall were recorded with a 35 mm camera adapted to an endoscope. Root length intensity (La) was estimated (Tennant, 1975) and converted into root length density (Table 4) using the regressions defined in the calibration procedure described in Machado and Oliveira (2001). For statistical analysis values of root length intensity (cm cm−2) were transformed using the equation y = √(x + 1). This transformation is recommended when zero values are common in the original data set (Underwood, 1981), as in the present study.

根系分布估计开花( 82和75磷酸二铵, 1997年和1998年分别)和收获( 114和104磷酸二铵, 1997年和1998年分别)用1.5米长minirhizotrons与五点二厘米直径。单管每治疗安装,平行和遥远的10厘米的工厂连续两个工厂,在一个角30 ◦的垂直。在10厘米增量沿管,根交叉的微墙录了35毫米相机适应内窥镜。根长密度(香格里拉)估计(南特, 1975年) ,并转换成根长密度(表4 )使用中所界定的回归校准程序中所描述Machado和奥利维拉( 2001年) 。统计分析价值的根长密度(厘米厘米- 2 )转化利用方程y = √ (十+ 1 ) 。这一转变是零值时,建议是常见的原始数据集(安德伍德, 1981年) ,作为在本研究中