
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 20:37:27
可以帮帮我吗 我不会写

In today's day and age more and more parents are working and arent as readily to spend time with their children so the television has become a babysitting tool when children should be doing things like reading and getting out for exercise. Too much television distorts their sense of what is real and what isnt real, and it doesnt help that we have reality shows that goes way beyond COPS it's now to the point you got people doing dangerous stunts and things that arent appropriate for children to be seeing or mocking. Parents need to shut the television off from Monday to Thursday because that should be the time children should spend time reading or surfing the internet not glued to the tube. Part of the problem today is that kids don't get enough exercise because they're exposed to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet which is causing them to catch up with most adults in terms of obesity and weight related issues. This is a logical concern since it seems kids know the t