
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 23:26:16
地理位置 有50个洲 2.3亿人口
英语作文 急 急 急 急 急 急!!!!!!!!


The United States of America ,which is a developed capitalist

nation , is located in the south of North America . The east faces

The Atlantic Ocean.The west is close to the Pacific Ocean .The

north receives Canada .It is near to Mexico and Mexico turn in the

south . The USA has 9.363.000 square kilometers land , 50 states

and a Dist. Columbia which is the seat of Federal Government .

Official language is English .The USA with many kinds of religion

do not have state religion. Chinese population is about 150-200

ten thousand.

American history is generally considered to have begun

from 1607 ,when first group of British colonists went to America

and started to build their settlement there.

Political System of the United states is established on the

basisof three main principle-Federalism , th