
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 19:00:56
1.Please tell us a history story that we all know
2.Flowers in a green house can't withstand the rain and storm
3.What do you want to say to the student who will graduate from school?

Upon the request of several Chinese families living within the ward, The Garland Third Ward of Richardson Texas Stake organized Chinese Group in early 1994. James Wong was the group leader working under the direction of the ward's Chinese Committee of which he was a member. Lyale Marr (Chairman?), Agnes Parentis and Susan Beryl (?-Agnes should know) were also members of the committee. The objectives of the group were

*to provide a better learning environment for those members who had difficulty progressing in the gospel with the English language

*to preach the gospel to the many newly arrived and the older Chinese immigrants in their own language

*to unit and strengthen the testimony of the Chinese members in the metropolis through service

The group started with two Chinese-speaking missionaries and soon had four. It had its own sacrament meeting and Sunday School and about one activity each month. It also provided weekly English as Se