
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/28 14:44:42
首先容许我做一个自我介绍 .我是位来自中国的女球迷.
从2000年开始就一直关注你 不论是辉煌时还是失意时,看见你的努力 ,你对篮球的热爱 .真的是让人敬仰!
记得你单场81分 ,多么伟大的数字.我知道那不是运气,不是偶然.是来自你的勤奋. 你是一位领导者,你会在球队需要的时候战出来.小飞侠 绝不是浪得虚名.每当你站在罚球线,球迷们都会高喊 ;MVP. 这让我作为你的球迷而感动自豪!
看到你带着上出征奥运会. 并完美谢幕 .看着你打眼角被韦德撞破却依然上场.我知道我没有崇拜错人!
正如你的新广告一样. 只要心够决! 加油吧.
请记住 在大洋彼岸永远有一群中国球迷支持着你.

First, please let me have a self-introduction, I am one of your Chinese fans.
It’s as great as you played in the Olympic Games in the summer of this year. At the beginning of 2000, I always pay my close attention to you, no matter you are in splendid or dejected, it is really esteemed as you keep giving your striving and love to basketball. As my remembrance, how great the number is that you got 81 scores in a single scene, I indeed know that is came from your diligence without a fortune or a chance,
You are a leader, you always stand up when your team needs your help, the name matches the reality as you are called “Peter Pan”, when you stand at penalty line, the fans always shout loudly “MVP”, it make pulsated and proud as you’re a fan.
I saw you campaigning the Olympic Games with hurt and leaving perfectly, your corner of the eye was hurt by Wade, but it didn’t stop you to take the field, then I knew again that I hadn’t worshipped wrong.
Just as your new advert