
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 09:08:41
问题:完型填空:关于Having said goodbye to his parents(这是开头一句话)谁能找到全文,十分感谢

Having said goodbye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home. 41 excited, Alvin and Clare talked and laughed happily .And even little Alax 42 from time to time.The family were 43 much fun.
But about three hours later things began to 44 . It was starting to snow. Alvin sped up the car, __45_ to arrive home before dark.But it was too dangerous to drive fast now. Because it was snowing more and more heavily.So Alvin had to 46 down.The snow on the 47 was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to 48 on it.Their car slipped (滑落) off the way and got stuck in the deep snow 49 the engine refused to start again.
“The snow doesn’t seem to 50 .Shall we stay in the car waiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked.Clare said she 51 to walk.So they got out of the car with their son and began walking.But 52 was to come.Soon they lost their 53 and had to walk aimlessly on an