翻译一下10分 百分之30的同学认为父母的收入没有比要让孩子知道1如果知道父母收入好,会乱花钱2

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:45:24

30 percent of students believe that there is no more than the income of the parents to let children know that If you know a good income parents will spend money easily.
Income parents to know the public will not learn. Affecting schools momentum


About 30% students think there ie no need to study hard as they know their parents have high income.

30百分之30的同学认为父母的收入没有比要让孩子知道% of the students believe that it is unnecessary to let children know about their parents' income.

If they realise that their parents are of good income, they will be spendthrift.

After knowing their parents' income, they will not work hard in their studies and thus affecting their school work.