帮我翻译成英文谢谢!! 急!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:39:23
Laura Secord的巧克力店几乎在每个Mall里面都能见到。它上面的画像就是Laura Secord女士。Laura Secord女士既不是这个巧克力的创始人也不是创始人的母亲或爱人,她是加拿大历史上非常勇敢的一位Heroine,用我们的话说,就是爱国女英雄。

历史上美国曾试图从尼亚加拉一带入侵当时的英属加拿大。1812年美加战役的时候,Laura Secord女士就住在尼亚加拉的Queeston。1813年6月21日,一队美国士兵占领了她的家,从他们谈话中Laura得知美国人要进一步进攻加拿大,她认为这个消息对加拿大至关重要,于是步行32公里的路,几乎走了一整天,终于及时把这个消息报告给驻守的英军,从而阻止了美国的入侵。

当时Laura女士是38岁,两个跟她一起出发的侄女都累得半路瘫倒,一个女子跑这样远的路去送信,这是何等的勇气与毅力。为纪念Laura Secord女士,她当年在Queeston住过的房子已被辟为Museum。

Laura Secord女士与巧克力并无直接联系,取这个名字完全是为了纪念她。Laura Secord是本土加拿大的巧克力,再加上Laura Secord女士的故事,我觉得它是一个不错的加拿大的土特产。

帮我翻译成英文!! 用简单的英文单词!! 谢谢!!!
-_- 不需要google或者yahoo的翻译。

The Laura Second chocolate shop is seen in almost every mall.the portrait on it is the portrait of Ms.Laura Second. Ms.Laura second is neither the founder of this chocolate nor the founder's mother or lover,she is a very brave heroine in the Canadian history, and in our words, she is a patriotic heroine.
In history, America had tried to invade the British of Canada from Niagara. In 1812, the time of the America Canada combat, Ms.Laura Second was living in the Queeston of Niagara. On June 21st, 1813, a team of American soldiers took over her home,and from their conversation Laura found out that the Americans planned to attack further into Canada,she thought that this information would be important to Canada, so she walked 32 kilometers of road, it took her almost a whole day, she finally reported this news to the British Forces stationed in order to prevent the U.S. invasion on time.
At that time