
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:47:44
Some people believe prisoners should be punished because they “believe that there must be a price for crime”(A press,2008)and it is a fact that prisoners should learn take responsibility for actions.Unfortunately,for most prisoners,their problems can not be sort out by “clinicians in white coats”(Salient,2008).In addtion,prison guards can not control the mutinous prisoners if they don’t do something strict physically.Furthermore,someone believes that deterrence is the one of prison’s main functions,prison must do something physically strict to scare prisoners and people outside due to the fact that the fear of prison’s physical administration can keep people be legal.The previous fact also proved this, “before prison became resorts our crime rate was around a fifth of the current level.”

我觉得从语法方面来说没有什么问题啦!写的不错,但有些句子有些冗长,不是太精炼。应该长短结合。希望我的想法对你有些帮助~GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND!