农夫和驴 故事翻译 帮忙了 急用

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 23:08:17
其实,生活也是如此。各种各样的困难和挫折,会如尘土一般落到我们的头上,要想从这苦难的枯井里脱身逃出来,走向人生的成功与辉煌,办法只有一个,那就 是:将它们统统都抖落在地,重重地踩在脚下。因为,生活中我们遇到的每一个困难,每一次失败,其实都是人生历程中的一块垫脚石。

One day, a farmer's donkey fell into the dry years. Poor miserable donkey in the well to call for several hours, the farmers lost in a fog at the wellhead anxious, that is no way to save it up. Finally, he categorically that: old donkey, which is also the dry mouth filling up, not worth it to spend so much energy to save the donkey.
Farmers all the neighbors are invited to help him fill wells. We grabbed shovels and began to fill the well. Donkey soon realized what had happened at first, it is only in the well panic crying loudly. In a moment, so that everyone is puzzling is that it was quiet. After a few shovels soil, farmers could not help North Korea Underground finally, the immediate scene so that he was shocked.
Donkey hit the back of each shovel of soil, which are made to deal with unexpected: shake off quickly and then severely tight with foot.
In this way, not long before their rise to the word donkey wellhead. It jump jumped out quickly ran away. The p