中翻英 一句话 高手来 不要中国是英语 马上给分

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 15:35:42

涉及到网站的 应该是网络英语吧。 不要翻译的太生硬 不要中国式的 用GOOGLE翻译 金山快译 就免了。


改版可以用give... a face-lift或者new edition

My website will be given a facelift in these days and a brand new website is coming soon!

My website will be revised recently

A brand new website will come into being!

My website is going to be re-designed in few days, and a brand new one will be pressed soon.

My nearest website several day will change the design , a brand-new website will come into being

My website will be updated in the next few days. A brand new website is going to be born!

My website will be updated in a few days.
A brand new website is going to come into being.
