英语翻译! 每句都要翻译成英语!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 12:51:10

我国民间习俗过春节,是从农历腊月(十二月)初八日开始,至正月十五日结束。腊八吃“腊八粥”,腊月二十三到除夕,家家户户除尘,采购年货,贴春联, “福”字、年画、窗花,除夕之夜守岁。正月初一子时爆竹四起,辞旧迎新。春节期间,走亲访友相互拜年。古代门上贴画,多是神话中传说的人物,以驱邪避害。 “福”字倒贴,以示“福到”,“迎春接福”。春节凌晨,我国北方吃饺子,以示长寿;南方吃汤圆,以示团圆、吉利、美满。


春节,就是农历的正月初一。每年的春节在公历的日期都不是固定的。最早可在元月21日,最晚可在2月22日。公历是以回归年为准的,每年总是十二个月,365-366天,各月的大小(除2月份外)也很有规则,而且年年相同。但农历却不如此,平年十二月,353-355天。闰年十三个月,383- 384天,而且每月的天数也不固定,有的连续几个大月30天,有的连续几个小月29天。因此,春节多在公历的2月上中旬,或元月下旬。

●The Chinese New Year beginning and be over time

Our country the civil custom lead Chinese New Year, beginning on eighth from the beginning of month(December) of the lunar calendar 腊 , go to the 15th of January be over.腊 Eight eat"腊 eight gruels", 腊 month 23 to New Year's Eve, all families in addition to dust, the purchase year goods, stick New Year couplet,"blessing" word,year painting,the window flower, the night bringing in the new year of the New Year's Eve.The beginning of January one son the firecracker rise everywhere, the 辞 is old to face new.The period of the Chinese New Year, walk to visit friend to make New Year's visit mutually in person.Stick a painting on the ancient times door, mostly myth in legend of person, with exorcise avoid to harm. "Blessing" word sell at a loss to show"the blessing arrive", "face spring to connect blessing".Chinese New Year dawn, our country the north eat dumpling to show