What is this watch for?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 03:53:22
What did you do that for?
请教这里的for 是什么意思呢?有没有相关的例句呢,谢谢

What is this watch for? 这只手表是用来干什么的?
What did you do that for? 你为什么要那样做?这里what for相当于why


watch for 是寻找的意思
He is anxiously watching for his friend.

do for
对…有效, 适合
This place would do for a workshop.
照料, 照应, 帮助
Mrs. Smith has done for her by a neighbor.
毁掉, 完蛋, 累坏
He received a savage blow on the head; that did for him.
他头上遭到一记猛击, 就完蛋了。

What do you dress up like that for?你干嘛穿成这样?
What are you coming here for?你为什么要到这里来?

What did you do that for?
请教这里的for 是什么意思呢?有没有相关的例句呢,谢谢