
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 02:42:48
1. 非常感谢你在我在纽约逗留期间对我的帮助. (grateful)
2. 当她意识到皮夹被偷了,她的脸色一下子白了.(realize)
3. 如果你有空的话,是否可以到机场来接我? (kind)
4. 在那十字路口,他不知道应该朝哪个方向走? (at a loss)
5. 与别人相比,他更值得你学习. (worthy)
6. 无论社会发展多快,这个传统应该代代相传. (However)
7. 在西方国家,人们乐于在各种活动中当志愿者. (be ready)
8. 这些参考书不经允许禁止拿出图书馆. (forbid)
9. 网络游戏对孩子的性格会产生很大的影响. (impact)
10. 浦东机场二期工程正在进行中,预计一年后完工. (progress)
11. 在我看来,与其说他聪明不如说他勤奋. (more…than)
12. 难以置信,他一辈子除了工作没有任何业余爱好. (hard)
13. 大学生很有必要读一些与他们专业无关的书. (relate)
14. 他开始后悔当初与那些人交朋友. (regret)
15. 就我所知,中国大城市人的购物习惯在最近几年里改变了许多. (as far as)
16. 如果你乘飞机出国,必须提前至少两个小时到达机场. (in advance)
17. 出席会议的人并不都支持他提出的建议. (favour)
18. 你上次提到的那个人据说已经搬到北京去了. (mention)
19. 他脸上的神色表明他对此时毫不介意. (suggest)
20. 今年夏天的气温比人们预料的高得多. (expect)

1 I'm so grateful for your help during my stay in New York.
2 Her face turned pale when she realized that her wallet was stolen.
3 Would you be kind to pick me up at the airport if you're not busy.
4 She was at a loss at that cross road.
5 It's worthy that you learn from him compaired with others.
6 However fast the society goes, this tradition should pass on generation by generation.
7 In western countries, people are always ready to be volunteers at all kinds of activities.
8 Taking these reference books out of the library is forbidden.
9 Online games have a great impact on the children's character forming.
10 The Pudong airport construction phase2 is in progress and it is estimated to finish in one year.
11In my opinion, he's more deligent than clever.
12It's hard to believe that he has no leasure hobbies other than working.
13It's necessary for college students to read some books