
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 14:02:24
他五岁时遇上她,她却已是一个带着老花镜,给他讲袋鼠的故事的老婆婆。而他呢,却是一个轻轻诉着“就像我已经有过一生 但是我记不住它是怎样的了”的少年。 1918那个逆行的钟,被谁安置予他的宿命。即然这样,为什么还要让他遇见那个跳着芭蕾的女子,演绎着一段爱?
“有些时候我们就活在即将发生冲撞的轨道上浑然不知,无论它是意外发生地还是蓄谋已久的,对此我们都无能为力 ”
做表那个人,希望时间会倒流 暗示着他对命运的反抗是无用的,事情永远不能想你想的那样发展,也让人懂得该珍惜自己所有的一切。

第一种:This is a perverse feature films.
Benjamin Button is a special, he was born when the whole body is full of wrinkles of the elderly, the dying, they are white and fat baby. His life is in retrograde.
And he has met her antegrade. Thus, their love has become etched in the collective mind of撕心裂肺, broken heart-wrenching.
Five-year-old when she met him, he is a willing to listen to the strange story of the kangaroo elderly.
Five-year-old when he met her, she has a reading glasses with him talk about the story of the old lady kangaroo. And he does, but is a lightly v. a "just like I have had a lifetime but I do not remember what it was a" juvenile. 1918 that retrograde clock, whom resettlement to his fate. But then, since this way, so why should we let him go through the ballet met that woman, perform a period of love?
"Sometimes we live in an imminent collision unaware of the track, whether it is accident or a premeditated manner, and we are po