
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 10:35:53
大笨钟(Big Ben) 以它巨大的钟面闻名,大钟于1859年建成,是英国最大的钟.塔起码有320英尺高(约合97.5米),分针有14英尺长(约合4.27米),大笨钟用人工发条,国会开会期间,钟面会发出光芒,每隔一小时报时一次。

1、罗马浴场(Roman Baths & Pump Room) 现今的罗马浴场仍保有罗马时期的原貌,不断有温泉涌出,而且每天出量超过 200万公升。其中最大的 Great Bath 是古罗马时代最大的浴池。现在因为温泉的铁含量太高,不宜入浴,但其优美的建筑及回廊仍非常值得欣赏。
2、亚贝教堂(Abbey Church) 在浴场的东边,以多窗及扇形的天花板闻名。因窗多而有「西方明灯」(Lantern of the West)的外号。
1、国寓(State Apartment):是王宫内最华丽的建筑,绝不可错过。
2、大厅(Great Hall)。
9百年来曾先后作为王宫、兵工厂、监狱、及城堡的伦敦塔是伦敦最著名的建筑物之一。城堡共由22 个高塔所组成,除中央的白塔外,13个位于内墙,8个位于外墙。伦敦塔由穿著鲜红服饰的“食肉者」”(Beef Eater)守护着,塔附近聚集有许多乌鸦,据说只要大乌鸦一离开,伦敦塔就会垮下来!
St. Thomas' 塔内有一个拱门,所有的政治犯都会经过这个门,又称为「叛国者门」。伦敦所有的宫殿中,伦敦塔无疑上最具有参观价值的景点. 伦敦塔内最著名的是珠宝塔(Jewel House),收藏帝国皇冠共由三千多颗宝石镶成,并有重达530克拉的非洲之星。



The greatly stupid clock (Big Ben) to it is huge is well-known, the bell completed in 1859, was the English biggest clock The tower has 320 feet high (approximately to be equal to 97.5 meters) at least, the minute hand long has 14 feet (approximately to be equal to 4.27 meters), the greatly stupid clock with the artificial spiral spring, Congress holds a meeting the period, the clock personally meets sends out the ray, each a hour reports time time. The Buss is located west London approximately 200 kilometers place. As the name suggests, the Buss is a meaning which bathes. Far from 2000 ago, the ancient Roman Empire on has built the hot spring bathhouse in this. 1st, the Roman bathing place (Roman Baths & Pump Room) the nowadays Roman bathing place still held the Roman time the original condition, unceasingly had the hot spring to gush out, moreover the daily output surpassed 2 million liters. Biggest Great Bath is the ancient Roman time biggest bathing pool. Now because the hot sp