include和contain的区别 请具体

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 02:34:01
本人了解有限 最好先理论再举例

contain,include的区别:都有“包含”的意思,但contain可用于表示包含所含之物的的全部 或部分,而include则只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分。例如:
The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里也包括了一本字典。
The parcel contained a dictionary. 那包裹里装的是一本字典。
include: 包括;包含
include 是三个词中最普通的,指在整体中能明确界定的几个部分。
e.g. The health club includes a gym,mming pool , and locker room.
Our ten-day tour include a visit to New York .
contain: 包含,含有,装有
更具体地说,contain 指一个较大事物中所容纳的分离部分,有封闭于一个整体的感觉。
e.g. The bowl contains a variety of fruit. 碗里装有各种水果。
This bottle contains two glasses of beer. 这个瓶子装了两杯啤洒。

The list included his name.

My family includes my father, my mother and me.

The health club includes a gym, a swimming pool , and a locker room.

Our ten-day tour include a visit to New York .

This plan included some of your suggestions.