英语改错It was a long time.......

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 16:19:41
It was a long time since we last saw each other.You can 1_______
hardly imagine how I miss you.How are you getting with 2_______
your first job?I remember you once tell me you were eager 3_____
to graduate and to become an English teacher.Now you must 4_____
have many first hand experience.How do you find your English 5-__
teaching?Is teaching kids English as interested as you expested 6___
in college? And do your student enjoy your classroom teaching?7____
Anyway,I believeyou must be very popular with the kids,for 8_______
You're a born teachter. Hope you great success in work!Yes,9____
why not give me a call or come for get-together this weekend 10____

1.was-has been
4.graduate-be graduated
7. student - students
8.believeyou-believe you
10.get-together 前加 a

1 was-has been
2 getting后加on
3 tell-told
4 好像没有错
5 many-much
6 interested-interesting
7 student-students
8 believeyou-believe you
9 born-borned
10 giving