
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 08:51:17
After retirement from the company, Mr zuo apply to a private college to be a head teacher.. However, the older teachers have their advantages, for they will never do job-hopping and are satisfied with the salary of only hundreds of dollars. What's more, they are very earnest, steadfast, meticulous to their jobs. Someone asked Mr zuo how old he was when he arrived at college as a rookie. Mr zuo answered,59 years old. Then in the second year ,his answer for the question is the same as last year, 59 and then the third year still 59. As time goes by, everyone made fun of Mr zuo, they said, everyone will get old as time goes by, but you’re always 59 years old. Mr zuo said happily, I am too busy to remember my real age .I was retired from my former company when I was 60 years old, but now I am still working. so of cause, I am still 59. To forget one's own age, which should have a generous heart and an outgoing tolerance. Mr zuo is such kind of man .老左从某单位退休后,应聘到一所民办大学当班主任。岁数大的有他们的优势,
