
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 12:39:18
伤害了你也失去了勇气。面对着寂静的可怕,享受着寂静的沉睡 ,数着自己的心跳.我在想自己真正所需要的,也许要在经历许多年后才会明白~~~当走到生命的终点,站在人生尽头,再回首看待人生,会发现原来有许多原来我不懂…… 对已经拥有了的美好
而放弃的时候,我们也许又在重新获得... 游戏人生,虽然是看谈了一切.
只能硬着头皮走下去.。。其实.我每天做的每件事.脑子里想的.我都不知道每天自己为什么要假装那么快乐.每天在别人面前.都是笑.其实我很快乐吗? 我一点都不快乐..我不想让每天在一起玩的人.看到我不快乐.以前,我觉得人或事失去了都无所谓.因为我还小.觉得以后的路还长.所以不着急,因为我也不懂什么才叫真正的失去,我现在才明白.什么才叫失去。。

Is loving you, was still my rigid. Had said pledge had not forgotten actually, is the relations which cares about is together not easily, injured you also to lose the courage. Is facing the silent fearfulness, is enjoying the silent deep sleep, several own palpitation. I in thought that need truly, must experiences many years later only then understand ~~~, when arrives at the life the end point, stands terminus the life, looks back on the regarding life again, will discover that originally will have many me not to understand originally ...... To already had happy because of frequently, but duplicate loses the experience has one disturbed and the worry. has burst into tears. Hurts feelings, the sentiment has been no longer pure. The setting sun Yi Shi sigh, the flower blossoms the worry which falls, although, human also small . Sometimes forgot to treasure the life originally is not joyful. Because has, perhaps I am losing, gives up, perhaps we are obtaining. Game life, although is