帮忙翻译下 2

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 07:31:13
你本不是天生的王子或公主,但你却一下子就习惯,并喜欢上坐在明亮、恒温的办公室里办公;出差时享受着星级酒店的豪华和舒适。你志得意满,无所畏惧,却未曾想到会在自己设置的障碍前裹足不前。如果你没有拖鞋就不会在晚上走路,如果你没有属于自己的干净脸盆,就不愿意洗脸。如果你和三人以上同居一室,就不能睡觉,如果你没有空调就不知道该穿几件衣服…………对不起!那你真得需要去体验一下自己了,因为你作茧自缚却浑然不知。人生路上有些东西是必备的,但你却搞不清楚应该是什么。 你要去的是一所学校,是一个军营,而不是你早已习惯的酒店。你需要打破自己日常生活和工作的狭小空间,投入大自然当中,挑战自己的能力和极限。从中体验生命的精彩!

To experience the trainees take part in a letter:

You are not born the prince or princess, but you have all of a sudden on the habits, and enjoy sitting in the bright, heated office office; business trip enjoy the luxury hotel and comfort. You satisfied full, fearless, but never expected that he would be in their own obstacles to deter the former. If you do not have slippers will not walk in the evening, if you do not clean their own basins, do not want to face. If you and three or more persons living together in a room, you can not sleep, if you do not have air conditioning do not know of the few pieces of clothes to wear ... ... ... ... I beg your pardon! Then you really need to go to experience their own, and shoot itself in the foot because you are unaware. Life on the road some things are necessary, but you are not sure should be. Yes you want to go to a school, a barracks, rather than you are accustomed to the hotel. You need to break their daily lives and work of