
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:55:44
2.onlylady合作细节等待对方做出合作方案,包括广告位,内容。 3.确定校花校草活动的执行,打算先从上海师范大学做起,广告采用bbs+海报+横幅的宣传吸引大学生。

1.Sohu visiting, discuss about online ad cooperation details.
2.Onlylady cooperation details, waiting counter party’s cooperation proposal including ad position and contents.
3.Confirm execution of school beauty and gentleman campaign, plan to start from Shanghai Moral University with the attraction of ad such as BBS, poster and banner.
4.Contact with china.com, discussing about the method and price of ad cooperation.