
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 14:57:46
车不断加油才能前进,人不断激励才能进步。作为一名精力充沛的大学生,对自己的学业必须制定明确的目标,并保持持久的动力去拼搏。 大学的生活已经过去了一半,审视了自己这一半的初中生活,发现自己收获了许多,懂得了许多,但也虚度了许多。那么,怎样度过剩下的一年半时间,使自己过得更充实,更精彩呢?为此我制定了自己的人生规划。 千里之行,始于足下。为实现自己的目标,我要抓紧分分秒秒,努力拼搏,从我做起,从现在做起,自身是航船,目标是灯塔,行动是燃料,我会用我全部的精力去实现我的人生目标



Refuel vehicles in order to constantly move forward, people can progress continuously motivate. As an energetic college students, for their studies need to develop specific goals, and maintain long-lasting power go hard. University life is half over, look at this half of his middle school life, and find themselves a lot of harvest, learned much, but also wasted much. Then how to spend the remaining year and a half, so that had its own more substantial, more exciting then? To this end my life, have developed their own planning. Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. To achieve their own goals, I would like to pay close attention to minute-by-minute, hard work, what I have to start from now start their own ship, with the aim of the lighthouse, action is fuel, I would use all my energy to achieve my their goals in life

This year's exam to begin, and now only hope is that through this examination, the adoption of this test only hope to continue to take th