
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 19:31:05
Registrations have continued to pour in! We have reached the cutoff numbers for loose sets and non-attending Iacon sets.

There will not be any more loose sets available. However, if you are still interested in a non-attending set, you can fax in your form and put Iacon Wait List on the top. If we are able to allocate any more sets to non-attending, we will go through this list first.

We still have several hundred Primus (attending) sets available.

Here are the current rules:

1. The cutoff for the Iacon packages and loose sets was reached March 2, at 5 PM Central Time. We have made allowances for forms that could be in the mail prior to that date and time.

2. In order to have enough for every person who wants to attend BotCon, we are now limiting all registrations after March 2, 2009 to one per person. The person whose name the package is registered for MUST pick it up in person with an ID at BotCon.







1 。截止的Iacon套包和松散达成了3月2日下午5时在中央时间。我们已经取得津贴形式,可在邮件中在此之前的日期和时间。

2 。为了有足够的每个人谁愿意参加BotCon ,我们现在限制所有登记后09年3月2日到每人。的人的名字登记的软件包为必须捡起来的人的ID在BotCon 。

3 。任何普里默斯包装命令后, 2009年3月2日说,取消或不选择的展会上,将得到25美元的取消费用。剩下的资金将退还和一套将出售给未来的人在轮候。

4 。如果你的命令是在我们的办事处或邮戳日期截止前的3月2日,您将收到什么命令。

5 。这将在今后10天内处理所有的信用卡。检查您的银行,您可以确认您的软件包已被处理。本月晚些时候,我们将开始发送硬拷贝认可。

6 。不幸的是,我们不能采取打电话或发电子邮件给您的形式,当你将被处理,因为这是我们的办公室和沼泽放缓的进程。我们发送电子邮件,大家谁发出的一种形式,但电子邮件是不是100 % ,由于垃圾邮件拦截,拼写错误,难以辨认的笔迹。欢迎您重新发送您的表格,可重复写入的顶端如果您没有收到您的电子邮件确认,请附上您的原始传真确认从您第一次发送,以便我们核实,这是一个重复的。