
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 20:08:38

2. Human cloning violates the social ethics
Society from acts of cloning people accused in the ethical dimension, the scientific community can not remain indifferent. Affected scientists made a similar point of view, such as the World Medical Association President Enrique • Arco Dorsey at August 8, 2001 issued a statement pointing out the technology for cloning human beings themselves "contrary to human values, ethics and moral principle. " On behalf of the World Medical Association strongly oppose human cloning experiment plan. 〔5〕 from another angle, the media Wilmot said: "Just my wife and me and a copy of 'my' three live together, it will produce a very unusual relationship between the three of us Each individual person, in particular, the reproduction of 'me' will be very embarrassing. Therefore, we must firmly oppose human cloning. "〔6〕
Of course, not the ethics of scientists, sociologists and jurists, they can not from eth