翻译几个英文单词 歇斯底里 老谋深算

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 14:12:21

还有翻译句话 A大大减弱了长期以来的美国白人歧视有色人种问题

hysteria 歇斯底里
to make every move only after mature deliberation 老谋深算

A has dramatically weakened the racial discrimination problem caused by the American Whites.


hysteria 歇斯底里

experienced and astute 老谋深算

A greatly weakened ever since a long time ago American white's Qi Regard the problem of colored race.A大大减弱了长期以来的美国白人歧视有色人种问题

hysteria 歇斯底里
conniving 老谋深算的,诡计多端的

The election hysterical

greatly abate the long-standing U.S. white discrimination colored problem!