
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 21:47:32

March-8th Sunday Cloudy

Oh,yo,today,I was still travelling in China with my dirty friends,and at last,we had seen the Chinese freaks.I thought they're all stupid idorcy.

When we cross the street,they stared us with a surprised silly smile,it just like they hadn't seen anything about us.and while we returned their silly smile,they moved their sight out of our face,and play a innocent and careless one.

And Chinese food is not well as the book said,they 're not delicious.

And the Hotil was dirty,their bed full of dried sperm and made me puked my face off.

what the! ????
dried sperm!!!! =-=

假如你是一个刚毕业的学生。在北京有一份工作。月薪1200。你会去做吗? 假如你是一个老师,领导来视察工作了,有一个学生就在这个时候告你的状,你会怎么办? 假如你是老师,你希望你的学生.... 假如你是李涛,福建省泉南中学的高三年级学生,你于10月15日给在澳大利亚定居的亲戚写封英文信, 一个刚上小学二年级的学生,经常把"在"再"用错.假如你是孩子的家长,你如何解决这个问题? 假如你是一个高高在上的人 假如你是一个害羞的女孩 男生回答:假如你是一个将军,看到战场上你的士兵都在溃退。。。 假如你是一个生意人 假如你是语文老师,在你上课时,学生读完了苏轼的《念奴娇 赤壁怀古》,学生读得非常好,请对此作一总结