
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 19:21:41

In all cases, the research reported above used existing market orientation scales or hybrid versions of existing scales. Given the results described by researchers such as Siguaw and Diamantopoulos, we are concerned that extant market orientation scales are adopted without question and generally used with little refinement. This is hardly surprising as it is clearly more efficient for researchers to use well recognized and frequently cited scales when establishing a new research project. However, the indiscriminant use of existing market orientation scales to different contexts runs the risk of using a measure without a developed rationale as to why. While a market orientation scale may have been validated for the situation in which it was developed, the assumption that is can directly transfer to other contexts may be naïve. Markets and our understanding of firms’ behavior in markets have changed since the first market orientation scales were developed as the new globally inte