
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 07:08:05
Policy #2 - Hbc Code of Conduct

All vendors are to comply with Hbc’s Vendor Code of Conduct (CoC), which includes all applicable country labour laws. Hbc’s CoC reflects the basic principles of the International Labour Organization and the United Nations. Vendors using facilities that breach this code will be given six months to correct their shortcomings. Failure to correct these violations may lead to a suspension of business until the vendor is fully compliant.

所有供应商都符合卖方的损害损害华夏守则(二人),其中包括适用于所有国家的劳动法. 华夏损害的基本原则,损害了中国的振兴国际劳工组织和联合国. 设备供应商使用,违反此法将在六个月内改正缺点. 这些不正确的行为,可能导致供应商停止营业,直到完全就绪.