
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 04:29:29
计算机能力: 全国计算机等级一级考试,并获一级“优秀”称号证书。能够熟练操作Windows平台、Word文档、Excel电子表格,制作PowerPoint并多次在班演示。
 向四川灾区募集捐款(市内及学校)。
 “印象大”书店义务管理员。
 进入 民航运输系“2008年度新希望杯”英语演讲决赛。
 参与“民航货物运输知识竞赛”比赛。
兴趣爱好及自我评价: 户外竞技运动,旅游,阅读,音乐
 诚实守信,勤奋踏实,赋有责任心和良好的人际关系。
 友善大方,处事耐心细致。
 有很好的沟通和组织能力,亲和力强,赋有团队精神,乐于助人。
 勇于面对挑战,有积极地态度解决问题。
 乐于接受新事物、新知识、新环境,热爱生活。

Application will:Exercitation in ground department of airport
English Level:CET-4,A Grade of National College English Application Test,can supply civil aviation services with oral English,can fluently communicate with other.
Computer Skill:passed National Computer Grade Test 1,obtain excellent diploma,skillfully operate windows platform,word,excel and powerpoint,and have show in class many times
Social practice:organize and join in obligative teaching activity in Fenghuang Town;obligative administrator of "Big Expression" bookstore .
Behaviour/Achievement in College:obtain the undersecretary Letter of appointment of Psychologic Healthy Development Association;take part in the competition of "civil aviation logistic knowledge competition".
Hobbies/self assess:outdoor sports,traveling,reading,music
with character of honesty,diligency,careness,friendliness,responsibility.be good at treat interpersonal matters;have great ability of