请问有哪位能提供Chinese culture的文章???

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 11:49:33

Chinese Culture 中国文化

The origin of Chinese writing can be traced back to ancient China although we are not certain of the date of its invention. According to reliable reference books, Chinese writing has at least a history of four thousand years. It is generally believed that people made records by tying a knot in a rope. This way of recording was replaced by the invention of letters by Cheong Tchi. Yet, we cannot assume that there were no written words before Cheong Tchi. Cheong only combined the invented words of his predecessors with slight changes. At the same time, there was still another inventor called Chu Shung. However, the fact that Chinese written words originated in painting is beyond doubt. That is why modern people consider writing and painting to have the same origin. The invention of words represents the insufficiency of spoken language. As an instrument, they describe and keep various events and have meanings. Words precede writing and are the mother