
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 23:24:35

发表於: 2006-06-04 07:31:38

(Subject)NY NY
(标题)纽约 纽约

Dear all

How is everyone???? I'm sorry if i haven't been posting messages, my computer is cranky and i have been RATHER caught up with some stuff. Please help to paste this in other official websites as i am going for dinner in a while.
大家最近怎麼样呀????很抱歉我好一阵子没有留言了,因为我的电脑故障了,而且我忙著在处理一些事情。请帮我把这留言转贴到其他的官方网站,因为我等会儿就要去吃晚餐了。(Leo Man按:燕姿留言时台湾及东亚时间是07:31,但燕姿却说要吃晚餐了,从IP 24.136.x.x及标题的「NY NY」,推测燕姿现在应该是在纽约吧。)

I'm glad i'm going for the golden melody awards. This year the focus seems to be on composing artistes and i do feel honoured to be placed with them.

I am starving.

Nothing much that i can update here, now. Next week might be a better week. Btw the chongqing fans are really on the ball. Reminds me of chengdu fans. I'm sure it's their diet icon_wink.gif