
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/27 17:57:39
各个学校每年的招生时都有很多数据需要管理。手工管理这些复杂的数据方式已经不适应当前时代的潮流,实现数据规范化,自动化的电脑管理,是一个管理规范,运作高效的企事业单位的必然要求,本系统正是针对学校的需求而开发的一种招生管理系统,用以实现学校招生高效管理。结合所要开发的系统的特点,软件设计采用JSP面向对象设计开发工具,后台数据库采用SQL server 2000。由于本实例程序数据库采用的是ODBC方式,因此需要配置ODBC数据源后方可执行本例程序。在操作系统的控制面板中打开"管理工具ODBC数据源"窗体,将其添加到数据源中。
关键词:数据库SQL server 2000,JSP,学生信息查询、招生管理。

When each school every year recruitment of students all has very most according to needs to manage. The handwork managed these complex data modes already the unsuitable current time tidal current, realized the data standardization, the automated computer management, was a management standard, operated the highly effective business unit's inevitably request, this system was precisely one kind of recruitment of students management system management system which developed in view of the school demand, with realized the school recruitment of students highly effective management. The union must develop the system characteristic, the software design uses the JSP object-oriented design development kit, the backstage database uses SQL server 2,000. Because this example procedure database uses is the ODBC way, after therefore needs to dispose the ODBC data pool only then to carry out this example procedure. Opens in the operating system control panel.
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