作文求改 (语法)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:51:04
It was a Saturday afternoon, Diane wore a red dree, she was waiting for Joe in a French restaurant.Few minutes after, Joe arrived. Dine was happy to meet him; however, Joe seemed impatient. He simply asked her questions and always looked outside by window. Diane continued to speak with him and afterwards, Joe became in supportable. He looked at Diane seriously and said:"I already have a girlfriend who names Terry. I sent in a form to Find-a-Love(交友公司)because one of my best friend asked me to accompany." Diane was surprised, she felt a little comfortless, but she was very pleased for her friend. (Diane 和Terry是好朋友, Diane为好友来试探)

It was a Saturday afternoon. Diane was waiting for Joe in a French restaurant and she wore a red dree.Few minutes later, Joe arrived. Dine was happy to meet him; however, Joe seemed impatient. He simply asked her questions and always looked outside the window. Diane continued to speak to him and then, Joe became insupportable. He looked at Diane seriously and said:"I already have a girlfriend who named Terry. I sent a form to Find-a-Love(交友公司)because one of my best friend asked me to accompany." Diane was surprised, she felt a little comfortless, but she was very pleased for her friend.