
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 07:23:19
......,but then a large TV screen jumps into life TELLING us the merits of a certain shamopp.....


"TELLING us the merits of a certain shamopp"做TV screen的定语,修饰TV screen。ING分词和ED分词都可以引导从句做定语的。因为本身就可以看做形容词做定语。

严格说应该是but then a large TV screen jumps into life TELLING us the merits of a certain shamopp....=but then a large TV screen jumps into life which tells us the merits of a certain shamopp....


but then a large TV screen jumps into life and it tells us the merits of a certain shampoo.

一般式变成ING形式 省略了主语

简单的说就是一个 动名词 嘛

告示我们, 提醒我们
telling, 一般都这么用~~
