
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 10:13:58


The severity of the unemployment problem be underestimated

Reporter: the financial crisis of employment of Chinese influence what features?

Otsuka: the economic crisis has some striking characteristics: firstly, labor-intensive export-oriented enterprises are the biggest impact on employment, therefore crisis than on the damage of GDP. Secondly, the impact of the enterprise is the main body absorb migrant workers migrant workers from employment, so is the worst hit.

Reporter: how the employment status of rural migrant workers?

Otsuka: this crisis, is the main objects of impact of informal employment for migrant workers. The migrant workers in urban employment, two-thirds of flexible obtain employment, 9,000 people. However, due to the difficult part of the people in employment statistics system, not only reflected in their severity of losing jobs to be underestimated, they are social insurance and employment assistance m