
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 03:44:22


奶茶也叫蒙古茶,是蒙古族牧民日常生活中不可缺少的饮料。奶茶所用的茶叶是青砖茶。砖茶含有丰富的维生素C、单宁、蛋白质、酸、芳香油等人体必须的营养成分。奶茶包括时下最流行的港式奶茶、鸳鸯奶茶等。 奶茶可以去油腻、助消化、益思提神、利尿解毒、消除疲劳,对酒精和麻醉药物中毒者,它还能发挥解毒作用。

红酒有迷人的色彩,神秘的情思。柔和醇香的红酒饱含了鲜活的生命原汁,蕴藏了深厚的历史内涵。法国红酒世界闻名,法国不但是全世界酿造最多种葡萄酒的国家,也出产无数闻名于世的高级葡萄酒,其口味种类极富变化,法国生产的红酒有六大生产地包括波尔多(Bordeaux)、布跟地(Burgundy)、香槟(Champagne)以及阿尔萨斯(Alsace)、罗瓦河河谷(Loire Valley) 、隆河谷地(Cotes du Phone)等其中又以气候温和土壤富含铁质的波尔多产地最具代表。

Belong to fermented black tea tea, tea is one of the 23 leaf buds as raw material, after wilt, rolled (cut), fermentation, drying, etc. from a typical refining process. Do because of their color and brewing tea in the tea-based transfer of red, black tea named. The role of black tea: black tea can help gastrointestinal digestion, promote appetite, may be inappropriate, the elimination of edema, and a strong heart function.

Green tea is the tea to take a new leaf, without fermentation, after fixation, screw kneading, drying and other typical process, the color of its products, the tea after brewing preserves more of fresh green tea's main products. Green tea is a precious and noble beverage, drink green tea are the spirit of enjoyment, is a kind of aesthetic and artistic quality with the act, is a method of self-cultivation.
The efficacy of green tea: anti-aging, reducing blood fat, weight of Dietary Fat Reduction, Anti-Cancer, whitening and anti-ultraviolet