求帮忙翻译 时间紧迫啊 谢各位大侠啦

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 12:42:50
You see, sirs, we cannot quite imagine it; anymore, perhaps, than our forefathers of ancient London, living in the pretty carefully whitened houses, with the famous church and its huge spire rising above them, —than they, passing about the fair gardens running down to the broad river, could have imagined a whole county or more covered over with hideous hovels, big, middle-sized, and little, which should one day be called London.
Sirs, I say that this dead blank of the arts that I more than dread is difficult even now to imagine yet I fear that I must say that if it does not come about, it will be owing to some turn of events which we cannot at present foresee : but I hold that if it does happen, it will only last for a time, that it will be but a burning up of the gathered weeds, so that the field may bear more abundantly. I hold that men would wake up after a while, and look round and find the dulness unbearable, and begin once more inventing, imitating, and imagining, as in earl

同时它是平原,所有各方都有责任谁认真的艺术尽力拯救世界上什么最好将是一个损失,由于无知和unwisdom ;防止,实际上,最令人沮丧的所有的变化,
骨骼和类似发现,但有一天在漂移-这种艺术的无意识的情报,但死的东西是很少离开之间徘徊半文明的国家,越来越多粗, feebler ,少智能逐年;不,这是大部分的摆布一些商业意外,如抵达几个船欧洲染料东西或几十个订单来自欧洲的商人:
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