
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 11:45:47
是PS 的游戏 welcome house 2 kedon end his uncle ,找到会加分,如果没有英文攻略,日文攻略也可以,
welcome house 2 kedon and his uncle

Welcome House 2
Keaton and his Uncle
by Mike Coates

Episode 2: Independence Day

Cast of Characters:
Uncle Parkinson
Keaton Paxman
Napolean: the dog
Allegro Adagio: music teacher
Escargo Aperitif: the chef
Jack Smith: handy man

Start: brings up map, pressing twice brings up save menu.
Save Game: once in save game menu ( pressing start twice) move
directional up or down to select file press start to confirm. If you
already have a game saved in that file it will ask you if you want to
overwrite. When finished press X to get back to game.
L1,L2,R1,R2,TRIANGLE: are not used.
X: Cancels selection.
Open doors: push forward when in front of door.