
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:09:18

You are God's favorite, but get rid of his hands, give the world its true sense, the United States. (Ding Kai Xiang)
Her hard-working; her hard; her perseverance; her persistence, for scientific research, she even gave up the beauty of the face. (Rui-Qi Zhu)
When you pass the time, please pay high tribute to her. Marie Curie *, a really beautiful woman. (Wang Qian dust)
Although Marie Curie loess covered with the body, but will never be buried Marie Curie are dedicated to scientific research. Radium-ray penetration of the Marie Curie's coffin, as if to allow the soul of Marie Curie into the cause of a scientific study. (Zhou)
I died but I am still alive, I would like to continue as laser radiation itself. (Zhu Ran)
Polonium and radium's mother went to sleep peacefully. (Cao Li Jie)
Simple short-lived life, the supreme honor. (Guo Jingjing)
Than color laser rays are more beautiful appearance Marie Curie; than her looks to achieve